Skilled Care Agencies: Home Health and PDN will Intake a Patient Through Patient Onboarding and follow a Flow from Intake to Discharge.
How to Onboard a Patient In Billiyo.
The First step is Intake and Intake for a Patient Occurs in Patient Onboarding.
For Patient Onboarding Head on over to CRM>Patient Onboarding
In this Page you will enter all of the Demographics for the Patient as well as the Payer, Client Contacts, Diagnosis, And Upload any Documents that came with the Patient's Referral.
If you do not have all of this information upfront, do not worry, you can add it later in the Patient Dashboard.
For now, all that is needed is the Basic Demographic information, this will Save the Patient information for you to come back to Later and add the information needed to complete the Patient Onboarding as it comes to you. All of the Fields in the Screen that are Outlined in Red are required for Saving a Patient in Billiyo.
In the Patient Onboarding you will enter the Physician for the Patient, by default the Physician will be marked as Primary for the 485 and claims submissions.
If the Physician changes, you can change it in the Client Contacts Tab of the Patient Dashboard. Make sure to check the checkbox to mark the new Physician as Primary for 485 and Claims submission. (You will need to uncheck the box for the Previous Primary Physician first)
In Page two you will enter Your Client Contacts: This is where the Physician is entered.
Billiyo Interfaces with the NPI Registry and as long as you have the doctors last name or NPI number you can search the Physician Here.
If Billing Medicare, please make sure you have a Face to Face encounter, when the intake occurs, you will be able to upload it in the Patient Onboarding, Page Two you have the Ability to Upload the File.
If you do not have it at the time, not to worry, you can come back later and add it.
For more information on the Face to Face Encounter please visit our Pages:
If the Primary Payer is Medicare, Once the Start of Care Visit has been completed by the Clinical staff member in the Billiyo Clinical Application, your back office users will get a notification that a NOA submission is due in 5 days.
In order to Receive these Task Notifications you will need to turn them on in Company Settings in the More Tab. If you would like to know more about Task Notifications, please reach out to your Billiyo CSM.
After Patient Onboarding you will receive a Notification that a New Referral is available for review. To view Notifications, Click on the Person Icon in the top Left of the Billiyo Web Portal.
Tip: Within any Notification, Click on it and you will be Taken to the Page in Which you can Perform the Action Needed.
At this time the Patient will be in the Pre Admission Status.
To View your Newly added Patient Head on Over to CRM>Clients>Patient Dashboard
Make sure to Change the Filter in the Top of this Page to Pre Admission. Then Search Your Client to continue Working on this Patient's Intake.
In the Pre Admission status no scheduling ability will be available in Billiyo.
After Clinical Review, Payer confirmation (SA if needed for this payer) eligibility checking and all documents needed have been received, IE: Physician Orders, History and Physical, Discharge, and uploaded the chart you can switch the Patient Status in the Patient Profile to Pending Admission. head on over to CRM>Clients>Patient Dashboard and Click on Edit Patient
Once the Status changes, there will be a notification to Schedule a Start of care visit.
You will need to Assign your Nurse and Therapists to the Client, Prior to Scheduling them.
Head on over to CRM>Clients>Patient Dashboard and Click on the Caregivers TAB in the Bottom of the Patient's Page
For More Information on the Patient Dashboard, Please Visit our Page: Patient Dashboard
Once you are here, Click the Plus Sign to add your Caregivers to be available in the Scheduling Page.
We also have the Ability to send email Notifications to the Roles that an agency identifies to receive these email notifications. If you are interested in finding out more on Notification and Email Configurations please contact your CSM.
To Schedule the Admission Visit Head on Over to Scheduling>Scheduling and Search for your Patient.
In the Pending Admission Status, you will only be able to schedule a Start of Care, A PT Evaluation and an OT Evaluation.
You will Click in the Date of the Schedule that you would like to Schedule Your Admission Visit and A Pop Up will Appear.
Here You will Choose the Type of Visit: Skilled
Your Payer:
Your Employee:
The Time and Date to End and Begin the Visit:
(Note: the Visit time will be changed to the Actual Clock in and Out time that The Nurse Clocks in and Out of the Visit)
And your Clinical Assessment Type:
Frequency will be daily since you are scheduling this for one day only.
For Patients under the age of 18, you will not be able to Schedule an OASIS Assessment.
Billiyo has Many Assessments Available: Pediatric Assessments, NON OASIS Assessments, PDN visits and many more.
Only OASIS Assessments Auto Generate a 485 to be sent to the Physician.
Once a Start of care visit has been completed you will get a notification to Audit the Assessment (If the Clinical User marked it as completed in the Clinical Application). If on Clock out, they marked it in Progress, you will get the Notification to Audit the Assessment when it is marked by the Clinical Staff Member as Completed.
There are Many ways to Audit an Assessment in Billiyo.
Best Practice recommendation is to Audit the Assessment Section by Section in the Patient Dashboard Clinical Tab.
To do so Head on over to CRM>Clients>Patient Dashboard and Click on the Clinical Tab, Click on the Action Icon and Choose Audit the Assessment.
This was you will see areas of the Assessment Marked in Red.
You will get a notification to schedule subsequent visits upon the clock out of the Start of Care Visit completed by the Clinical staff member.
In order to Schedule Subsequent visits, you will need to first go to the Patient Profile and change the Patient to the Active status.
Head on Over to Scheduling>Scheduling and Search for your Patient.
Here You will Choose the Type of Visit: Skilled
Your Payer:
Your Employee:
(If the Nurse or Therapist following the Case is Different than the Nurse that Completed The Start Of care, make sure you add them as a Care Giver in the Care Giver Tab in the Patient Dashboard)
The Time and Date to End and Begin the Visit:
(Note: the Visit time will be changed to the Actual Clock in and Out time that The Nurse Clocks in and Out of the Visit)
And your Clinical Assessment Type: here you can Choose: Nursing Subsequent Visit, PDN, PT or OT, depending on the type of case that you are staffing.
Frequency: For example, if your Nursing is 2 week 4, choose Your Frequency 2 days and Your Duration will be chosen in the Time and Date Start and End dates. For example If I did a Start of Care today and my Nursing is 2 week 4, I will have the Start date and End date reflect a 1 Month Time Frame.
(Note: the Visit time will be changed to the Actual Clock in and Out time that The Nurse Clocks in and Out of the Visit)
Once you are satisfied with the Selection, Click Set and Add to build the schedule.
If you need to end your Frequency with an OASIS E Discharge Visit, after you Add your schedule, go to the Last Visit in the Schedule and Edit the Schedule to reflect this needed Clinical Assessment Type.
Nurses and therapists also have the ability to build their own Schedules from within the Billiyo Clinical Application as long as their User Role is QP Enhanced. For more information on the User Role capabilities, please visit our Page: User Roles Hierarchy
If the Clinical Staff member completed the portions of the OASIS needed to generate a 485, you will get a notification that a 485 was generated.
Best Practice is to wait until the Clinical Staff Member has completed the OASIS in Full and you have audited the Assessment in the Patient Dashboard, Clinical Tab- looking for any areas marked in red. Areas marked in red indicate a validation error may occur in the submission of the Assessment to iQUIES.
If you see an error in your Audit, ask the Clinical Application User to go back and fix the errors, once the errors are fixed and the Clinical Application user has hit the check mark for completion, you will need to Audit the Assessment again and if passed, Regenerate the 485 as the changes may have affected the data in the 485 and you want to make sure you have the most up to date information prior to sending the 485 to the Physician.
To export to iQUIES, please visit our Page: OASIS Export
To view the 485 go to the Patient Dashboard, Plan of Care Tab and Click on the Tab within this page that is labeled 485.
If you have the Billiyo Communication you can use eFax to sent the 485. It will be marked as sent and when it comes back signed it will flow back to the Patient Chart and be marked as Signed and Received.
If you do not have the Communication Package you can View the PDF of the 485 and download it to send, use your own eFax system or Print it and fax it or mail it to the Physician.
If you would like to know more about the Billiyo Communication Package, please reach out to your Billiyo CSM.
Once it is sent you will need to mark it as sent, choose the Physician it was sent to and once you have received it back signed from the MD, you can come back to the page in the Patient Dashboard and mark it as Signed and Received.
For more information on 485, please visit our Page: Generating a 485
A great way to keep track of 485’s is in the Clinical Dashboard.
For More Information on the Clinical Dashboard Please Visit Our Page: Clinical Dashboard