If you are a Medicare Certified agency you will be performing OASIS assessments. Billyo makes exporting these Assessments for OASIS submissions a Breeze.
In order to send OASIS you first need an iQUIES account.
Please make sure this account is set up prior to taking on any Medicare Clients.
You will first Create a HARP account.
Here is a Link to set up your account: https://harp.cms.gov/register/profile-info
Once this account is set up, you will receive correspondence from iQUIES or HARP on the next steps.
Once you have completed the set up and have a portal for OASIS Submissions you can begin taking Medicare clients.
The Assessments that you will scheduled are "Skilled" Type and the following are available in Billiyo: Start of Care (E), Recertification Visit (E), Transfer of Care (E), and Discharge from Agency (E)
(In order to use our Task Notifications, please call a CSM to set up the Notifications based on your User Roles)
Once these Assessments are completed by a Clinician in the Billiyo Clinical Application, you will get a notification that a Assessment is ready for Audit. Once you have Audited the Assessment and are certain, that you have no validation error warnings, please mark the Assessment as Passed and go to the Clinical Tab>Clinical Assessment>Export OASIS Page
Here you will download the XML file for upload to iQUIES
Note: any time you have a rejected file, you will need to make the corrections in the CRM>Clients>Patient Dashboard> Clinical Tab. Once those edits are made and you are certain that you have no Validation error warnings, you will need to come back to the Export OASIS page to re-download the file for submission.
Any time a Download is made, you will get a warning, Hit OK to proceed
Once your download is reading, you will have a ZIP file to upload and it will be in the download files of your computer.
Now it is time to head over to iQUIES and upload the submission.
You will choose the Upload Assessments Option
Once you click on the Upload Assessments option, a file field will open for you to Upload the Zip File that was downloaded from Billiyo
After a Few Minutes, Come back to iQUIES and get your Validation report. Save it to your computer and Head Back over to Billiyo Clinical Tab>Clinical Assessment>Export OASIS Page and mark your Submission as: Accepted, or Rejected, in this step you should also upload the Validation report for your Record Keeping.
You will be required to enter Remarks. I recommend entering the submitter information (name) and date of submission. Don't forget to Save by Clicking Submit.
In order for the OASIS to be available in the Export Page, you must mark it as Passed in the Audit. For more information on auditing an assessment, Please Visit our Page: Auditing an Assessment
Submission History is Available if an action was taken in the Page
To View History Click on the Submission status
And Click History
Here you can see the Status, Remarks, Added By User Name and Date the Status was added
You can also Filter the OASIS by Status in the Top Right of the Page
This will help you manage Rejections and Pending OASIS
OASIS Tracking Report [Dynamic Report]
Once update submission status for a particular record it will reflect in OASIS Tracking Report under the “Clinical“ Category.