Face to Face Encounter

Face To Face

To record a Face To Face Encounter in Billiyo, navigate to "Clinical > Face To Face Encounter > Add Face To Face Encounter"

In this new screen select the patient you are working with and fill out the falling prompts.

You should finish the patient's onboarding page before entering a Face to Face for them. 

After recording a Face to Face Encounter you can either click on the blue "Save" button or hit the small white triangle by the save option. This will pop up an option to FAX your encounter to the patient's physician.



After saving a Face to Face Encounter you will be taken to a list of the face to face encounter's your agency has worked.

You can also navigate to this page with: "Clinical > Face To Face Encounter > View Face To Face Encounter"

Here you can edit, delete or view face to face encounter as a PDFs.