MN EVV Visit Review

This article outlines steps to take to review EVV visits, check for rejections, and resubmitting rejected EVV visits.

Table of Contents

Schedules Approval
      EVV Report
      Dynamic Report
EVV Errors
Resubmitting Rejected Visits
Related Articles

Schedules Approval

Within the Schedules Approval page, 3 new fields — Billiyo Reason, Manual Reason, Action Taken — have been introduced for documentation purposes needed for EVV. These fields will appear and need to be filled out in cases such as:

  • The caregiver clocks in or out for a visit more than 24 hours after it was scheduled
  • Rejected visits
  • Anytime the worked date and time are edited

To review schedules within the Schedules Approval page, navigate to: 

Scheduling > Schedules Approval

Within this page, fill in the filter criteria and refresh. 

Once the table has refreshed, all worked visits for the client in the date range selected should appear. Visits that need review will be marked with an indicator. Hover your mouse over the indicator to learn more.

To view a visit's information, click on the eye icon to the right of the visit in the table line. 

Before editing, the already captured visit information will appear. On this screen, the Billiyo Reason that the caregiver selected at the time of clock in or out within their Billiyo app will also be displayed. 

In a case like above, where a Billiyo EVV Reason was selected by the caregiver, you will need to edit the schedule and complete the Reason of edit and Action taken fields.

If you have set up reason mapping within your account for the selection that was made by the caregiver in app, the Reason of edit field will auto-populate for you. See more about reason mapping here.

Please note that even if you have mapping set up, you can still edit the Reason of edit field within the edit screen. 

After updates have been made, make sure to use the Save button. 

From here, schedules can then be approved and timesheets generated. 


Billiyo will automatically submit EVV visits to HHAeXchange once they have been completed. After visits are submitted, there are two report pages currently that they can be reviewed in — the EVV Report page and the Dynamic Report page. Utilizing these pages can help you to ensure that the visits were successfully submitted to HHAeXchange.

The EVV Report is a stand report that all EVV visit submissions can be reviewed within. 

If visits are rejected, once corrections have been made, the visits need to be resubmitted from the EVV Report page.

The Dynamic Report page allows you to create your own custom report, that can be downloaded, to review EVV visit submissions and information.

Click here to be taken directly to the section about the EVV Report page.

EVV Report Page

To access the EVV Report page, navigate to:

Billing > EVV > EVV Report

On this page, a table with visits will appear. What displays within the table depends on what has been selected in the filter fields above it.

As you review submitted EVV visits, it will be important to pay attention to the EVV Accepted and EVV Status columns. To see this information, click on the + sign to the left of each line item.

Filter for rejected in the Select EVV Schedule Status filter to view only rejected visits.

Once the EVV Status reason has been corrected, the visit will need to be resubmitted from this page.

Dynamic Report

The Dynamic Report page allows you to create a custom report, that you can download, to review EVV visit information. 

To access the Dynamic Report page, navigate to:

Reports > Dynamic Report

On this page, you will have the ability to create a new report that contains only the specific information you'd like to view or use a template that was already created.

Categories and reports related to EVV within the dynamic report:

Schedule > EVV Schedule Report

Schedule > Missing EVV Setup

Compliance and Audit > EVV Schedule Report

To learn more about creating a dynamic report, review the video below.


EVV Errors

Below is a list of potential EVV Status' that you may encounter when reviewing rejected EVV visits.

Please note that you may need to contact HHAeXchange or the payer directly for resolution and that the Billiyo team cannot do this on your behalf.

Use the following key combinations to be able to quickly search for the EVV Status you're seeing.

PC: Control + f 
Mac: Command + f

EVV Status: Office is not found based on Qualifier value
Issue: Information is missing in HHAeXchange (HHAX) portal.


  1. Review your NPI & UMPI information in your HHAeXchange portal.
  2. If you have multiple NPI & UMPI numbers and you're not seeing them showing in your HHAeXchange (HHAX) portal, HHAeXchange has provided this form to complete. Please reach out to HHAeXchange for any questions on filling it out and make sure to submit it to them through your HHAeXchange Client Support Portal.
  3. After updates have been made by HHAeXchange and MN DHS, make sure to resubmit the visit(s) in Billiyo

Who to Contact: HHAeXchange
Who to Contact: Payer (MN DHS may ask to fill out MN DHS DSD Contact Form found here)

EVV Status: Member is not found based on Qualifier value
Issue: Information may be missing in HHAeXchange (HHAX) portal.

: Review client and service authorization (contract) information in your HHAX portal and work with HHAX + payer to ensure missing information is loaded. Resubmit the visit in Billiyo after. 

Who to Contact: HHAeXchange
Who to Contact
: Payer (MN DHS may ask to fill out MN DHS DSD Contact Form found here)
EVV Status: Invalid Payer ID value
Issue: Information is missing in HHAeXchange (HHAX) portal.

: Review information in your HHAX portal and work with HHAX + payer to ensure missing information is loaded. Resubmit the visit in Billiyo after. 

Who to Contact: HHAeXchange
Who to Contact: Payer (MN DHS may ask to fill out MN DHS DSD Contact Form found here)
EVV Status: Procedure code is not found
Issue: Information is missing in HHAeXchange (HHAX) portal.

: Review information in your HHAX portal and work with HHAX + payer to ensure missing information is loaded. Resubmit the visit in Billiyo after. 

Who to Contact: HHAeXchange
Who to Contact: Payer (MN DHS may ask to fill out MN DHS DSD Contact Form found here)
EVV Status: Zip Code is Required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV
Issue: Missing information

: Contact Billiyo support

Who to Contact: Billiyo support team
EVV Status: Service Address is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV
Issue: Missing information

: Contact Billiyo support

Who to Contact: Billiyo support team
EVV Status: Invalid Zip Code format
Issue: Incorrect formatting shared

: Contact Billiyo support

Who to Contact: Billiyo support team
EVV Status: Worker not found
Issue: Employee information is missing

: Review and update employee information in Billiyo and resubmit visit.
EVV Status: Schedule duration is 0
Issue: Scheduled hours are showing as 0

: Update the scheduled time in Billiyo to be greater than 0 and resubmit visit. 
EVV Status: Schedule duration is 0
Issue: Scheduled hours are showing as 0

: Update the scheduled time in Billiyo to be greater than 0 and resubmit visit. 
EVV Status: Visit duration is 0
Issue: Worked hours are showing as 0

: Update the worked time in Billiyo to be greater than 0 and resubmit visit.
EVV Status: Schedule Date should be the visit day or the next day of the visit (inclusive of EVV)
The visit was worked on a date other than when it was scheduled for. 

Update the worked date to match the schedule date and resubmit visit.
EVV Status: Visit End Time cannot be greater than current date
Review: Visit start and end times.

: Resubmit visit
EVV Status: There is no active contract for this visit
Issue: Information is missing in HHAeXchange (HHAX) portal.

: Add or extend service contract information in HHeXchange portal. Resubmit the visit in Billiyo after. 

Who to Contact: HHAeXchange
Who to Contact: Payer (MN DHS may ask to fill out MN DHS DSD Contact Form found here)
EVV Status: External Invoice Number, Total Billed Amount, Total Units Billed, Contract Rate and Diagnosis Codes fields are required when visit is billed in the Provider’s third party EVV System.
Issue: Diagnosis code is missing in the service authorization in Billiyo.

: Add the diagnosis code in the service authorization and submit visit.

Resubmitting Rejected Visits

Once the reason a visit was rejected has been fixed, it's time to resubmit the visit to HHAeXchange. 

To do this navigate to:

Billing > EVV > EVV Report

Within the EVV Report page, locate the rejected visit(s) and click the + sign to expand each line.

Check the checkbox next to each visit that is ready to be resubmitted. Then, click on the Resubmit button.

Related Articles

MN EVV Resources Click here to open
MN EVV Preparation Click here to open
MN EVV Setup in Billiyo Click here to open
MN EVV Caregiver Experience Click here to open