MN EVV Caregiver Experience

The article outlines the experience that caregivers will have when Enable EVV and Geo Tracking is used.

Table of Contents

Setup in Billiyo
Enable EVV and Geo Tracking
          Clock In
          Clock Out
Enable EVV and Geo Tracking With Community Visits Allowed
          Clock In
          Clock Out
Late Clock In/Out and Rejected Schedules
Related Articles

Setup in Billiyo

This article outlines the caregiver experience when Enable EVV and Geo Tracking has been enabled within the client-caregiver connection. It also includes information on what caregivers will see when the Allow Community Visits? checkbox has been checked. 

To learn more about setup within Billiyo for Enable EVV and Geo Tracking, please visit the article below.

Click here to be taken to our article on setting up Enable EVV and Geo Tracking.

Enable EVV and Geo Tracking

With Enable EVV and Geo Tracking enabled, caregivers would see their scheduled visits appear on the Dashboard within their Billiyo app. 

Clock In

When it's time to start a visit, the caregiver will navigate to the Dashboard tab within their Billiyo app. Here they will see their upcoming schedules appear. 

To clock into a schedule, the caregiver will touch on the schedule and then the Clock In button that appears above the schedule. 

Upon touching on clock in, the caregiver may be presented with a few different messages. The messages they may encounter are outlined below.

If the caregiver is not within the set distance of the client's home address, when clocking in this message will appear.

To move forward, the caregiver will need to relocate to be within the set distance of the client's home address.

If the caregiver is reporting that they are within the set distance and are still not able to clock in, please visit our article on Caregiver Request Location here.

If clock in is successful, the caregiver will see the following messages.

In the Alert, they will want to touch on OK.

To close the Success message, they will want to touch on OK

Once the caregiver has clocked in successfully, they are set to start providing care to the client.

Clock Out

Once a visit is finished, it's time to clock out. To do this the caregiver will navigate to the Dashboard tab within their Billiyo app.

After locating the schedule, which should be outlined in red, the caregiver will touch on the Clock Out button to start the clock out process.

Once the Clock Out button has been pressed, the caregiver will be presented with a list of services that have checkboxes beside them. Each checkbox will need to be touched on, and marked as completed or not (and a reason given if not completed).

After the caregiver touches on Next in the top right corner of the screen, they will be taken to another screen that prompts them to leave remarks about the visit.

Once remarks have been left, the caregiver touches on Next in the top right corner of the screen to be taken to the signatures screen.

On the signatures screen, there are two tabs — Patient/Rep Party and Employee. These tabs are outlined below.

In the Patient/Rep Party tab, the caregiver will obtain the client or responsible party's signature in the Sign Below signature box.

If a mistake was made while capturing the signature, use the Clear option to start over.

In the Employee tab, the caregiver will be asked to type their initials and input their own signature.

Initials should be the caregivers first initial of their first name and the first initial of their last name.

If a mistake was made while capturing the signature, use the Clear option to start over.

After obtaining all signatures and initials, the caregiver will touch on the ✔️ (or Complete) in the top right corner of the screen. The clock out process is successfully completed when the caregiver sees the success message shown below.



Enable EVV and Geo Tracking With Community Visits Allowed

With Enable EVV and Geo Tracking enabled, caregivers will see their scheduled visits appear on the Dashboard within the Billiyo Caregiver app.

By allowing community visits, the caregiver will be able to clock in and out outside of the radius that was set from the client's home address in order to be able to complete these visits.

It is important to note that only when Community Visit is selected during the clock in/out process by the caregiver that they will be able to do this. If this is not selected at the time of clock in/out, the caregiver will be limited to only clocking in/out within the designated radius from the client's home address.

Clock In

When it's time to start a visit, the caregiver will navigate to the Dashboard tab within their Billiyo app. Here they will see their upcoming schedules appear. 

To clock into a schedule, the caregiver will touch on the schedule and then the Clock In button that appears above the schedule. 

Upon pressing the Clock In button, the caregiver will be present with a pop-up in which they will choose if the visit is at the client's home address or within the community. 

After a selection has been made, the caregiver will click on the Continue button to move forward. They should then be presented with a success message letting them know that their clock in was successful. 


Clock Out

Once a visit is finished, it's time to clock out. To do this the caregiver will navigate to the Dashboard tab within their Billiyo app.

After locating the schedule, which should be outlined in red, the caregiver will touch on the Clock Out button to start the clock out process.

Once the Clock Out button has been pressed, the caregiver will be presented with a pop-up asking them to select where clock out is occuring — at the client's address or in the community.

For community visits, the option for Community Visit on this pop-up should be selected. 

After touching on the Continue button, the caregiver, they will be presented with a list of services that have checkboxes beside them. Each checkbox will need to be touched on, and marked as completed or not (and a reason given if not completed).

After the caregiver touches on Next in the top right corner of the screen, they will be taken to another screen that prompts them to leave remarks about the visit.

Once remarks have been left, the caregiver touches on Next in the top right corner of the screen to be taken to the signatures screen.

On the signatures screen, there are two tabs — Patient/Rep Party and Employee. These tabs are outlined below.

In the Patient/Rep Party tab, the caregiver will obtain the client or responsible party's signature in the Sign Below signature box.

If a mistake was made while capturing the signature, use the Clear option to start over.

In the Employee tab, the caregiver will be asked to type their initials and input their own signature.

Initials should be the caregivers first initial of their first name and the first initial of their last name.

If a mistake was made while capturing the signature, use the Clear option to start over.

After obtaining all signatures and initials, the caregiver will touch on the ✔️ (or Complete) in the top right corner of the screen. The clock out process is successfully completed when the caregiver sees the success message shown below.

Late Clock In/Out and Rejected Schedules

If a caregiver attempts to clock in or out for a visit after 24 hours of the scheduled time or a visit is rejected, they will be presented with a new alert. This alert will ask them to select a reason (a Billiyo Reason) as to why they are clocking in/out of the schedule outside of the schedule date. 

Below are examples of what the alert may appear as for the caregiver. The caregiver will need to select a reason in order to continue.

After selecting an option, they will resume the normal clock in/out process.

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MN EVV Preparation Click here to open