Add/View SA

A service authorization (SA) is an approval of services for the client. Learn how to add, view, edit, and delete a service authorization in Billiyo!

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How to Access This Page
SA - Manual Entry
SA - Billiyo Automation
Editing an Existing SA
Deleting an SA

How to Access This Page

To access the Add/View SA page, head to “CRM” > Service Auths” > “Add/View SA”.

sa (1)

SA - Manual Entry

When visiting this page we’ll be taken to the “SA - Manual Entry” tab. Using this tab, we can manually enter service authorizations (SAs) into the system.

First, select the client’s name that the service authorization (SA) being entered is for. Then, click on the green “Add Service Auth” button towards the top right.

On the pop-up that appears, fill out all of the information from the service authorization (SA). 

If there is a (...) that appears, this can be used to further search if the result being looked for is not initially displayed.

If there are multiple lines on the service authorization, use the green “+ Add New Line” button for each additional line to enter in its information.


If we accidentally click the “+Add New Line” button, we can remove the added line by clicking on the red trash can button.


Once all information has been filled out, click on the blue “Save Service Auth” button to save the service authorization.

SA - Billiyo Automation

For some payers, like DHS, we may be able to upload the digital copy of service authorization (SA) that was received and have the system read it’s information.

To do this, click into the “SA - Billiyo Automation” tab in the top right. Then, select the client’s name that the service authorization (SA) is for in the “Select Client” field at the top.

Upon doing so another field will appear, click on the “Click or Drop files to upload” field to select the digital copy of the service authorization (SA) from the device.

Make sure to review all fields in the service authorization that show in the system to ensure they are correct. Then, click on the green “Save Service Auth” button towards the top right corner of the screen.

Editing an Existing SA

After selecting the client’s name in the “Select Client” field at the top of the “SA - Manual Entry” tab on this page, all of their service authorization lines will appear.

To edit a line, click on the green + sign to the left of the payer. Then, click on the blue pencil icon button.

This will bring up a pop-up with with the service authorization information. Click into any field to edit it.

After making any changes, click on the blue “Save Service Auth” button to update.


Deleting an SA

After selecting the client’s name in the “Select Client” field at the top of the “SA - Manual Entry” tab on this page, all of their service authorization lines will appear.

To delete a line, click on the green + sign to the left of the payer. Then, click on the red trash can icon button. On the pop-up that appears, click on the “Confirm Delete!” button to complete the deletion.


Q. Can I print any of the information on this page?
Yes! Under the “SA - Manual Entry” tab there will be a grey “PDF” button that appears above the top right of the table.

After selecting a client in the “Select Client” field at the top of the page, use this button to download a PDF that shows the information from the table for each line.

Q. What do I do if I receive an updated service authorization?
If you have already input a service authorization into Billiyo that overlaps the dates/procedure codes of the updated service authorization, you’ll want to end the existing service authorization.

Locate the existing service authorization line(s) and click on the + sign. Then, click on the blue pencil icon button. Edit the end date of the existing service authorization to be the day before the updated service authorization starts.

Then, add the updated service authorization into Billiyo.

 Q. What do I do if there is no service authorization number on the service authorization I received?
In the "Service Auth #" field enter the following: SNA