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Telephony EVV (Electronic Visit Verification)

If you caregiver does not have a mobile device they can use Telephony to clock in and out of a visit while maintaining EVV compliance.

Jump To:
Setup Employee PIN
View Employee PIN
Create a Schedule
Clock In
Clock Out
Processing Timesheets
Missed Clock In/Out

In order to use telephony, the client mush have a home phone number. The caregiver will use this phone to clock in and out of their visits.

Setup Employee PIN

To use Telephony your caregiver first needs to have a employee PIN number. To setup this PIN head to "Operation" > "Employee" > "View Employee".

Locate the employee and click on the green + sign to the left of their name.

Next, click on the "Generate Employee PIN" button. The system will generate a PIN number for the selected employee.

Make sure to give the PIN number to the employee as they will need this to clock in/out!

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View Employee PIN

Once the PIN is generated, it will show in the employee's information as "Employee PIN". 

Create a Schedule

Schedules are created in the same manner as caregivers who are using the Billiyo Caregiver app, or submitting paper timesheets.

To create a schedule for a caregiver using telephony, head to "Scheduling" > "Scheduling". 

To learn more about creating a schedule, click here

Clock In

Instruct the caregiver to call 844-517-0085 (toll free) from the primary phone number listed in the client's profile when they are ready to clock in to a schedule.

Make sure that the client's phone number is registered with the payer! 

The caregiver will be asked to enter their Employee PIN (the PIN that was created above) during the call and follow the prompts. Below is a visual of the clock in process.

Telephony (IVR) Clock In Chart

Clock Out

When they are ready to clock out the caregiver will call the same number, 844-517-0085, from the phone number listed in the client's profile

The caregiver will be asked to enter their Employee PIN (the PIN that was created above) during the call and follow the prompts. Below is a visual of the clock out process.

Telephony (IVR) Clock Out Chart

    Process Timesheet

    We can process the timesheet for a Telephony visit in the same way as we would process a normal EVV timesheet. We would go to through Scheduling > Schedules Approval.

    However, instead of having e-signatures, telephony schedules use vocal recordings. While clocking out of a schedule your client and caregiver will be asked to describe the services that were rendered. These vocal recordings act as signatures for telephony visits, so it is essential that both your client and your caregiver record their own voice.


    You can listen to these recording in the Schedule Approval page by clicking on the blue eyeball icon next to the visit.

    In the resulting window your client and caregiver's recording are shows at the bottom of the page. To review them, simply slick on the the play head.

    Click here for information on approving schedules and here for more information on generating a timesheet.

    Missed Clock In/Out

    If a caregiver misses clocking in or out for a shift, they may still be able to submit the schedule after the fact via the following methods:

    1. Creating a paper timesheet, which can then be entered into the system via manual timesheet entry.

    Make sure to check if this is compliant with your state's requirements before doing so!

    2. Using the Billiyo for Caregiver app to submit the schedules for the previously missed shifts.