Caregiver Dashboard

With the Caregiver Dashboard, your employees can review their schedules and work remote visits without using the app.

Table of Contents

Accessing the Caregiver Dashboard
Creating a Schedule

When logged into the caregiver dashboard, users will only see schedules they are assigned to. 

The caregiver dashboard is available to employees with the caregiver or caregiver enhances user role.

Accessing the Caregiver Dashboard

Enabling the Caregiver Dashboard

In order for your staff use the caregiver dashboard you first need to enable it. To do so please navigate to More > Company > Company Settings.

Then, in this new screen, click into the "Configurations" tab and finally hit the blue pencil icon to the top right of the page.

Next scroll down to the option titled Allow Caregiver To Web Login and enable it. Once this option is enabled (checked off)  your caregivers will be able to access the Billiyo on their computers. 

Logging into the Caregiver Dashboard

Your Caregivers can log into the caregiver dashboard by heading to and then clicking on "Portal Log in."

This will take them to a page where they can enter their username and password. Your caregivers can log into Billiyo with the username and password they received when you created their profile.

This is the same username a password they would use when logging into the app.

Using the Caregiver Dashboard

The caregiver dashboard allows your caregivers to work visits, create new schedules and sign previously worked shifts.

Working visits with the caregiver dashboard is not EVV compliant. In order for your staff to work EVV compliant visits they will need to either use the Billiyo app or telephony/IVR.


Working a scheduled visit

The Caregiver Dashboard allows your employees to work scheduled visits without needing to use the app. This feature is perfect for remote shifts and on-call services. To work a previously scheduled visit your caregivers will first need to click into the Available Schedules tab.

This will take them to a table that shows the unworked visits they are assigned to.

By default, your employee will only be able to see visits for the past 14 days. So if its January 14th, then they will only be able to see visits from 1/1 to 1/14. Your employees can change this date range by using the "Service Dates" filters at the top of the page.

After locating the schedule they want to submit, your employees can document their shift by clicking on the blue text that reads "Complete Visit."

This will pop up a page where they can record the visit that was worked. 

When completing a previously scheduled visit, the patient, service auth, worked dates and staff ratio will autofill from the schedule that was made. However, your employees can change any of this information if they want.

If your caregiver's are documenting a visit that you will not bill, then they should change the Billable Type field to Not-billable. This will prevent their visit from being sent to the generate claim page.

Your employees will  be required to enter at least one services as completed. After completing a service they can chose to document the other services they were assigned or leave them blank. However, a service must always be complete in order for a visit to be submitted.

Finally  your employees can choose to sign their name, provide remarks and answer any additional questions that are asked. 

These additional fields are all optional, so visits can be recorded without them.

After documenting a visit, your employee can save their information by clicking on the blue "Add" button to the bottom of the page.

Creating and working a new visit

Your employees can also use the caregiver dashboard to schedule, and document, new  visits. To do this they will first click on the blue "Add Schedule" button to the top right of the page.

This will generate the same pop up we saw when working a previously scheduled visit. However, because there is no schedule to pull, from your caregiver will be asked to enter a worked start and end time. Additionally, they should to check the client, service auth and staff ratio in order to confirm that they are creating the correct schedule.

After documenting their visits information your employee can fill out the rest of the "Add Schedule" pop up like normal. When their information is documented the visit can be saved by clicking on the blue "Add" button to the bottom of the page.

Signing a worked schedules

You employees can also use the employee dashboard to record a signature, and leave remarks, on a previously recorded visit. To do this they will first click into the "worked schedule" tab.

This tab will showcase the visits that your employee has worked. In order to sign one of these shifts, you employee can hit the blue pencil icon and then, in the resulting pop up, click into "Signature" box. They will add a signature a record it by clicking on the blue "Save" button.

Additional Features

In addition to the caregiver dashboard, your employees can also use their Billiyo log in to:
Create Schedules
Review  Schedules
Manually Clock out of visits they they clocked into

When working with schedules, your caregivers will only be able to see clients that they have a caregiver connections with.