Temporary Caregivers

Learn How to Assign Temporary Caregivers in Billiyo

What Is a Temporary Caregiver

How to Assign a Temporary Caregiver

What Is a Temporary Caregiver

If one of your employees takes a vacation you will need to reassign their visits to another caregiver. Once the regular employee returns they can resume working with the patient but, until then, your client needs a Temporary Caregiver.

In Billiyo, temporary caregivers can be slotted into premade schedules. While scheduling visits, Billiyo requires you to assign a connected caregiver to the appointments you are preparing. After making a schedule though, you can swap out the assigned caregiver with anyone in your system. Unless this new employee is also connected to the patient, and works a care plan for the Service Auth you are scheduling, they will be marked as a temporary caregiver. Temporary caregivers are given the same care plan, and services as the person they are replacing.

Temporary caregivers are assigned one day at a time, and after their last visit passes they are unassigned from the patient. 


How to Assign a Temporary Caregiver

In Billiyo, temporary caregivers are assigned to premade schedules. After preparing a schedule for your patient you can click on the green unworked visit that you would like to assign a temporary caregiver to. Then click on "Edit this Schedule."

Then click into the employee box and, to the top right of the pop up, you will see a Show All button.

Click "Show All" and search for the name of the temporary caregiver you want to add. After making the change click Save.

After assigning a temporary caregiver you can create new schedules for them on any day until their unassign date comes.

If you want to add your temporary caregiver to multiple visits, start by adding them to the last day that you want the temporary caregiver to see the client. This will assign your caregiver to the client for every day before that final date. So, you can now do a mass update and enter your temporary caregiver for multiple visits at once.



I added my temporary caregiver to one visit, why can't I add them to another day?

You can only add temporary caregivers until their unassign date passes. When the caregiver is unassigned, you will need to add them as a temporary caregiver again.

How do I push back an unassigned date?

To push back an unassigned date, without adding the temporary caregiver to another visit, navigate to the Client Caregiver Connection (CRM > Client Caregiver View Client Caregiver) and locate the temporary connection that you made.

Then open the connection up and find the Unassigned Date field.

We can now, edit that unassigned date and change it to be a later day. 

How do I make a temporary Caregiver Permanent?

To make a temporary caregiver permeant, we will need to delete their unassigned date from the caregiver connection. To do this navigate to the Client Caregiver Connection (CRM > Client Caregiver View Client Caregiver) and locate the temporary connection that you made.

Then open the connection up and find the Unassigned Date field.

We can now delete the unassigned date and thins will make the caregiver permanent.