How to use the Billiyo Clinical App

Here is a somewhat brief tutorial on some of the features of the Billiyo clinical app.


Completing Assessments With the Clinical App

Once An Assessment is completed in the Billiyo Clinical Application and you as a User have Shared that Assessment with the Back Office. The QA QI team will Audit the Assessment. If Errors are found you will be Notified in the Clinical Application in the More Tab.

To Fix these Errors Go over the the Clinical Tab of the Application and Click on Clinical  Assessment.

Search for the Assessment which Errors were found. In Billiyo an Assessment remains able to be edited in the Application until the Back Office has Passed the Assessment through Audit. 

The Assessment will be Marked Red. 

To view the assessments and the lifecycle of the assessment go to Clinical>Clinical Assessment, and filter for the client or all clients.

You can also filter by Audit status and date range.

Note: Previously, we only displayed patients with statuses "Active" and "Pending Admission." We have now enabled the "Hold" status, so you should see the assessment in the list.

Here is a description of the Color Coding.

  • User has marked In-Progress: Yellow

  • User has Marked for completion, and it is Pending Audit: Light Blue

  • Passed Audit: Green

  • Found Errors in Audit: Red

  • Returned in Audit: Yellow

  • Marked as Hold in Audit: Yellow

  • Marked in Audit as Sent in Error/Inactivated: Yellow

  • Marked in Audit as Non-submission: Yellow

Make your Corrections. 


Once you are Satisfied that you have made all necessary Corrections, Click the Check Mark at the Top Right of the Screen to Share the Assessment with the Back Office. 

In the Clinical Assessment List View, we will provide only the last 15 days of assessments at the time of login. However, if a user logged into the device more than a month ago, the system will display assessments from the past month on the mobile device. In order to revert an Assessment back to the application for the User to Complete or fix an assessment, you will need to Audit the Assessment and Mark it as "Found Errors". For More Information on Auditing an Assessment please visit our Page: Auditing an Assessment