Pay Period Setup

Setup pay periods to automatically default the pay period date range throughout the web and app.

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Pay Period Setup
Extended Pay Period Days

Pay Period Setup


To setup pay periods, head to More > Company > Company Settings. On the screen that appears, click on the Pay Period tab and then the + sign towards the top right.

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On the pop-up that appears, there will be a field to select a date range in. While we can enter each pay period one-by-one, selecting the first date and last date of the pay period in the date range field, the system will automatically split up the pay periods in two week chunks for us if we select a longer date range. 

If we know the date of our first pay period of the year and the date of our last pay period of the year, select those dates in the date range field to add in all of the pay periods for the entire year!

After choosing a date range, click on the Apply and Save buttons to add the pay periods into the system.

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At this point, all current and future pay periods will be listed.

Only pay periods starting from the current date will be visible, dates that have past will not show. 

Clicking on the checkbox, the option to delete the pay period will appear. 

To search for a specific pay period, use the Search field at the top.


Extended Pay Period Days

To adjust how long a pay period date range is pre-selected in app, past the last day of the pay period, use the extended pay period days setting found under More > Company > Company Settings in the main menu.

On the screen that appears, click on the Configurations tab and then the pencil icon in the top right. 

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On the modal that appears, locate the "Extended Pay Period Days" field. In this field, input in the number of extra days to show the pay period for. Extended Pay Period Dates function a little different between EVV and Non EVV schedule.

  • For EVV schedules, you will see your current pay period; unless, you have a number entered into the Extended Pay Period Days field. Then, you will continue to see the previous pay period (+ the number of days in the Extended Pay Period Days field) for however many days you have entered in that Extended Pay Period Days area.

For example, if I chose 3 as my Extended Pay Period Days, and the pay period runs from May 1 to May 14, then on May 14 the default date range will be 5/1 - 5/14. However, on May 15, 16 and 17 (three days, as indicated by the Extended Pay Period Days number) the default date range will be May 1 - May 17th. Then on May 18th the  pay period will show at May 15 - May 21 to reflect the current pay period.


  • For Non-EVV schedules, your pay periods are extend for however many days you have entered in the or example, if I chose 3 as my Extended Pay Period Days, and the pay period runs from May 1 to May 14, then on May 14 the default date range will be 5/1 - 5/14. So when a new pay period begins, you may still be see the previous pay period.

For example, if I chose 3 as my Extended Pay Period Days, and the previous pay period ran from May 1 to May 14 and the current pay period runs from May 15 - 21, then on May 15, 17 and 17 we will continue to see May 1 - May 15 as the default pay period. Then on May 16 we will see the May 17 to Mat 21 pay periods.

You can change the dates you are look at with the date filter.

For example, if you'd like to have a pay period range default for 2 days after the pay period ended, in the "Extended Pay Period Days" field input in the number 2. Make sure to click on the Update button to save what is set!

No real employee or client information was used.