Clinical application eTAR

Electronic Treatment Administration Record (eTAR) is a software tool that tracks treatments administered to patients in home health care.

In the Billiyo Application a Nurse Can Document against Treatments given while providing care. 

Navigation: Head on over to the Clinical Tab in the Billiyo Clinical Application. 

In order for the Clinician to access the Patient, a user in the Back Office Must have added them to the Client in Client Caregiver or in the Caregiver Tab of the Patient Dashboard. 

Once in the Clinical Tab, the Billiyo Clinical Application User, will go to the Treatment (eTAR) Page. 

Here the User will be able to use the Filter at the Top Right of the Page to Define the Patient and Date Range Desired. 

And Click Apply.

If Any eTAR have occurred in the Date Range for the Patient that was specified, they will appear here for the User to View.

An eTAR in the Yellow status means the back Office has not yet Generated the PDF of the Treatment. This allows the User to Edit or Delete the Treatment if entered in error. To Edit Simply Click on the Yellow eTAR and it will open up for Edits. To save the eTAR, click the Check Mark at the Top Right of the Screen, once you are satisfied with the Edits

To Delete the eTAR and start over, simply Click on the Red Trash Can

You will get a Pop up asking if you are Sure you want to take this action. 

A Treatment in the Green status means the Back Office Has already Generated the Treatment schedule and the User will no longer be able to Edit or Delete it. If you need to ask the Agency to revert the Treatment back to Pending, please call them and have them perform this action, leave the application and come back and you will be able to Edit or Delete it, once that action is taken by the back office. 

In the Green status, you have the option to View the PDF in the Billiyo Clinical Application and can Print from here, once the PDF is open. 

For More Information on the Back Office eTAR Functionality, Please Visit our Page: eTAR

To Add a New Treatment Record, Simply Click the Add Button and Complete the Form. 

When you are satisfied with the Data Entry Click the Check Mark in the Upper Right Hand Side of the Page. 

Once the Form is Completed and Signed by the User it will be able to be seen in the View Treatment Page in the Billiyo Back Office portal.