Client Caregiver Connection

In order for a client and caregiver to work together, they need to be connected via a client caregiver connection.

Table of Contents

Creating a Client Caregiver Connection
Viewing Client Caregiver Connections
Editing Client Caregiver Connections
Ending a Client Caregiver Connection (Unassign)
Deleting a Client Caregiver Connection



Creating a Client Caregiver Connection

There are two places where client caregiver connections can be created from currently:

The Client Caregiver Page

In the left menu, navigate to:

CRM > Client Caretiver > Add Client Caregiver

On the screen that appears, several fields will be displayed:

  • This field is required
  • Multiple client names can be selected
  • This field is required
  • Multiple employee names can be selected
For all clients (checkbox)
  • This should only be checked if the employee(s) selected need to be connected to all clients that are in your Billiyo account at this time.
  • If this checkbox is checked, the Client field will disappear.
Assigned Date
  • This field is required
  • This is the date that the client and caregiver started working together
  • This field dictates when a caregiver is able to see a client's information in-app
Procedure Service Code
  • This field is optional 
  • Only 1 procedure code can be selected
Modifier Code
  • This field is optional
  • Multiple modifier codes can be selected
Electronic Visit Verification
  • This field is required
  • By default, No EVV will be selected for this field.
  • Here are the options to select from:
    • No EVV (Swipe schedules)
    • Enable EVV
    • Enable EVV and Geo Tracking
    • Geo Tracking 
    • Clock In-Out No EVV
Geo Tracking Distance
  • This field will only appear for the Enable EVV and Geo Tracking and Geo Tracking selections made in the Electronic Visit Verification field.
  • This field is required to be filled out.
  • If your state has a distance requirement for EVV, this field should automatically default with that value. 
Geo Tracking Distance Type
  • This field will only appear for the Enable EVV and Geo Tracking and Geo Tracking selections made in the Electronic Visit Verification field.
  • This field should automatically be set to Feet and is not editable
EVV Start Date
  • All selection options in the Electronic Visit Verification field, except No EVV, should have this field appear.
  • This field is required to be filled out.
  • Enter the date that you want this setting to start.
  • This field is optional. 
  • Select the name of the Qualified Professional (QP) that is overseeing.
  • The name of the Qualified Professional (QP) that is selected is what prints on the care plan for QP
Caregiver is Live-in with patient?
  • This field is optional.
  • It is used to notate situations in which a client and caregiver live at the exact same address.
Live-In Caregiver Documentation
  • This field will only appear if the Caregiver is Live-in with patient? checkbox is checked.
  • This field is optional.
  • Only 3 documents can be uploaded via this field.
  • The documents that are uploaded save to the employee's profile, visible under the Documents tab at the bottom.
Caregiver Settings
  • This field is required.
  • By default, Require client & caregiver signature is selected.
Allow Community Visits?
  • This field is optional.
  • This field should be checked if community visits are allowed; impacts EVV settings.

After filling out the applicable fields, click on the Save button to create the client caregiver connection.

Within a Client Profile / Patient Dashboard

For non-skilled agencies, in the left menu navigate to:

CRM > Clients > View Clients 

Click on the next to the client's name and then the Edit Client button to access the client's profile. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Caregivers tab.


For skilled agencies, in the left menu navigate to:

CRM > Clients > Patient Dashboard 

Select the patient's name in the Patient field. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Caregivers tab.


Click on the that appears above the top-right of the table in the Caregivers tab and fill in the connection details: 

  • This field is required
  • Multiple employee names can be selected
Assigned Date
  • This field is required
  • This is the date that the client and caregiver started working together
  • This field dictates when a caregiver is able to see a client's information in-app
Electronic Visit Verification
  • This field is required
  • By default, No EVV will be selected for this field.
  • Here are the options to select from:
    • No EVV (Swipe schedules)
    • Enable EVV
    • Enable EVV and Geo Tracking
    • Geo Tracking 
    • Clock In-Out No EVV
Geo Tracking Distance
  • This field will only appear for the Enable EVV and Geo Tracking and Geo Tracking selections made in the Electronic Visit Verification field.
  • This field is required to be filled out.
  • If your state has a distance requirement for EVV, this field should automatically default with that value. 
Geo Tracking Distance Type
  • This field will only appear for the Enable EVV and Geo Tracking and Geo Tracking selections made in the Electronic Visit Verification field.
  • This field should automatically be set to Feet and is not editable
EVV Start Date
  • All selection options in the Electronic Visit Verification field, except No EVV, should have this field appear.
  • This field is required to be filled out.
  • Enter the date that you want this setting to start.
Caregiver Settings
  • This field is required.
  • By default, Require client & caregiver signature is selected.
Procedure Service Code
  • This field is optional 
  • Only 1 procedure code can be selected
Modifier Code
  • This field is optional
  • Multiple modifier codes can be selected
  • This field is optional. 
  • Select the name of the Qualified Professional (QP) that is overseeing.
  • The name of the Qualified Professional (QP) that is selected is what prints on the care plan for QP
Allow Community Visits?
  • This field is optional.
  • This field should be checked if community visits are allowed; impacts EVV settings.
Caregiver is Live-in with patient?
  • This field is optional.
  • It is used to notate situations in which a client and caregiver live at the exact same address.
Live-In Caregiver Documentation
  • This field will only appear if the Caregiver is Live-in with patient? checkbox is checked.
  • This field is optional.
  • Only 3 documents can be uploaded via this field.
  • The documents that are uploaded save to the employee's profile, visible under the Documents tab at the bottom.

Click on the  button to save.

Viewing Client Caregiver Connections

There are a few places that client caregiver connections can be viewed:

Within the View Client Caregiver Page

In the left menu, navigate to:

CRM > Client Caregiver > View Client Caregiver

On this screen, all client caregiver connections will appear in the table to review.


Within a Client's Profile / Patient's Dashboard

For non-skilled agencies, navigate to:

CRM > Clients > View Clients

In the table, locate the name of the client and click on the to the left of their name. Then, click on the Edit Client button.

On the next page that appears, scroll down to the bottom and click on the Caregiver tab.

    For skilled agencies, navigate to:

    CRM > Clients > Patient Dashboard

    On the screen that appears, select the patient's name in the Patient field.

    On the next page that appears, scroll down to the bottom and click on the Caregivers tab.


    Editing Client Caregiver Connections

    There are a few ways that client caregiver connections can be edited:

    At an Individual Level

    After locating the client caregiver connection in the View Client Caregiver page, click on the to the left of the client's name and then the Edit Caregiver button that appears.

    Doing this will launch the same screen that was displayed when creating a client caregiver connection and so you can make any necessary edits to the connection.

    Click on the Save button after making any changes.

    Based on Procedure Code and Modifier(s)

    When creating a client caregiver connection, the overarching settings that will apply are those that are setup using the Edit Caregiver button.

    However, different procedure codes and modifiers may need to have different settings. This is where the ability to edit based on procedure code and modifiers comes into play within the View Client Caregiver page!

    Example If not all procedure codes and modifiers allow for community visits, you could use this customization to allow community visits for specific procedure codes and modifiers only.

    After locating the client caregiver connection that you'd like to make edits to, click on the to the left of the client's name.

    In the expanded options that appear, locate the that appears under the All Procedure Code Electronic Visit Verification column and click on it.

    Doing this will take you to a screen that is similar to what appears when adding or editing a client caregiver connection, however, you will not be able to edit the following:

    • Client
    • Employee
    • QP
    • Caregiver Settings

    Instead, this screen is used to edit the electronic visit verification settings for a specific procedure code and modifier(s). Only 1 procedure code can be entered at a time, and after completing the setup click on the Save button.

    Repeat this process for each procedure code and modifier(s) that need different settings.


    Each procedure code and modifier(s) will appear as their own lines within the client caregiver connection. You can edit a procedure code and modifier(s) line by clicking on the or delete by clicking on the .



    At a Mass (Multiple Connection) Level

    If you need to edit multiple client caregiver connections at once, you can within the View Clients page.

    Any changes made in the mass update option settings will apply to all client caregiver connections for the selected clients upon saving.

    In the left menu, navigate to:

    CRM > Clients > View Clients

    On the next screen either check the checkbox at the top to edit all client caregiver connections or check the checkbox to the left of specific client names to only update their connections. 

    Select All Clients selectall
    Select Specific selectsome

    After checking at least one checkbox on this screen, a Switch clients to EVV visits button will appear in the top-right corner above the table. Click on this to access the mass update option settings and make changes.

    The following fields will be required to be filled out:

    Electronic Visit Verification This field will default to Enable EVV, but can be changed.
    Procedure Code At this time, this field will default with a procedure code selected. The procedure code can be changed to one that is applicable to all the selected clients.
    EVV Start Date

    Select the date that you want the update to start.

    • Note: On the date selected in this field, any past scheduled visits that have not been completed will be changed to No EVV (Swipe schedules).

    Click on the Update button to save and apply your changes.


    Ending a Client Caregiver Connection (Unassign)

    When a client and employee are no longer working together, it's time to end their client caregiver connection. Doing this will stop the employee from seeing the client's information showing in-app for them to view.

    This method will retain the record of the client caregiver connection.

    To end (unassign) a client caregiver connection, on the left menu navigate to:

    CRM > Client Caregiver > View Client Caregiver

    After locating the client caregiver connection that you'd like to make edits to, click on the to the left of the client's name and then the Edit Caregiver button.

    Within the edit caregiver screen, locate the Unassigned Date field and select the date that the client and employee are no longer working together.

    Click on the Save button to save the changes you've made.

    Deleting a Client Caregiver Connection

    If you've accidentally created a client caregiver connection, you can delete it. There are two ways to do this:

    Within the View Client Caregiver Page

    In the View Client Caregiver page, after locating the client caregiver connection that needs to be deleted, click on the and then the Delete Caregiver button.

    On the confirmation pop-up that appears, click on the Delete button to delete the client caregiver connection.

    Doing this removes the record of the client caregiver connection entirely and it cannot be recalled.


    Within a Client Profile / Patient Dashboard

    In a client profile/patient dashboard, under the Caregivers tab at the bottom of the screen, locate the client caregiver connection you'd like to delete. 

    Then, click on the to the left of it and the Delete Caretaker button.

    On the confirmation pop-up that appears, click on the Delete button to delete the client caregiver connection.

    Doing this removes the record of the client caregiver connection entirely and it cannot be recalled.