Add Client

In order to schedule and bill for a client, we first need to create their profile. In this article we will discuss how to add a client profile into Billiyo.


To add a client, head to "CRM" > "Clients" > "Add Client".

ScreenFlow (19)

In the pop up window that appears we can fill in the client's information.

The information that we enter will be used to build the client's account and we can review this information in the client profile. Please note that the fields that have an (*) next to them are required in order to save:

          • *First Name — The client’s first name as known by the payer.

          • Middle Name — The client’s middle name as known by the payer.

          • *Last Name — The client’s last name as known by the payer.

          • Pronunciation — Phonetic spelling of how to pronounce the client’s name.

          • *Member ID(PMI) — The client's subscriber ID

          • *Gender — We are restricted to following the genders that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has, so the selection options are just male and female.

          • *Birthdate — The client’s date of birth.

            • Format for this field: mm/dd/yyyy

          • Social Security — The client’s social security number (no dashes).

            • Format for this field: 123456789

          • *Primary Phone — The main phone number that the client can be reached at (no dashes).

            • Format for this field: 6125171990

            • If the phone number is a cell phone, check the (Mobile?) checkbox.

          • Secondary Phone — An alternate phone number the client can be contacted at (no dashes).

            • Format for this field: 6125171990

            • If the phone number is a cell phone, check the (Mobile?) checkbox.

          • Email — The email address that the client can be contacted at.

          • *Address — The street address of the client’s primary residence.

          • *ZIP Code — The ZIP code of the client’s primary residence.

          • *City — The city of the client’s primary residence (this should autofill in after the ZIP code is entered).

          • *State or Province — The state/province of the client’s primary residence (this should autofill in after the ZIP code is entered).

          • Referral Source — This would be who referred the client to you, like a case manager. If the client found you themselves the referral source would be Self.

          • Service Days — This would be how often the client needs care.

          • Requested Services — These would be the services that the client needs. You can add multiple services in this field.

            • Tip: If you’re not seeing a service that was requested appear in the drop-down list, click on the (…) to add it.

          • Waiver — The waiver services that the client receives, if any. You can add multiple waivers to this field.

            • Tip: If you’re not seeing a waiver that the client receives appear in the drop-down list, click on the (…) to add it.

          • Internal Client Manager — The name of the person who manages this client.

          • Primary Payer — The client’s primary payer. If they are private pay, select Patient in this field.

          • *Status — The client status is very important in Billiyo, as only active clients are billed for. Use this field to select the client’s current status with your agency.

            • When onboarding a new client, it is recommended that you do not set their status to "Active" until your caregivers is scheduled to see them.
              • Pre-admission - After receiving a client's referral, and creating their profile, the client will be given a pre-admission status.
              • Pending Admission - This statis starts when the client's service authorization, and any other documents they may have, comes in. Please keep in mind that you cannot schedule for clients who are who are in the pending admission status.
              • Active - This is the most common status. This status is for clients you are working with and billing for. Please keep in mind that Billiyo charges for every client who was active that month, regardless of how long the client was active.
              • Inactive (eligible) - This status is for clients who you are not seeing at the moment. For example, if you were seeing a client, but then they were hospitalized, you would set their status to inactive. When it is time to resume their care, please set their status back to active.
              • Discharged - This status is for clients that you are no longer seeing.
          • Medicare Number — It is not common to have this, and this number would be different than the subscriber ID (Member ID(PMI)).

          • HMO Number — Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a medical insurance group that provides health services for a fixed annual fee. If we received a new UCare number for the client, we would add it to this field.

          • Medical Record Number — If you have a medical record number for the client, add it here. If you do not have one, the system will create a unique number automatically.

          • Date Of Assessment — The date the client began service.

            • Format for this field: mm/dd/yyyy

          • Start Of Care — This is the date that you started/will start providing care to the client.

            • Format for this field: mm/dd/yyyy

          • Photo — Upload a photo of the client by dragging a image into the Click or Drop files to upload field. Alternatively, you could click on the Click or Drop files to upload field and then select your image from the file lookup.

            • The image you add will appear on the client's profile in both the web applications and our Caregiver and Clinical apps.

    Click the "Save" button after inputting the client's information, a validation pop-up should appear when doing so. If the message shown is as below, click the "Add to CRM" button to save the client. 

    If "No valid Address found. Cancel and confirm your address" appears, click the "Cancel" button and verify that the address was input correctly.

    You can create a client profile with an invalid address, but this will cause problems for EVV compliance and billing.



    How do I add a diagnosis code? 

    A. To add a diagnosis code, head to the client’s profile. Within their profile, on the right side of the screen, there is a “Diagnosis” tab. Click into this and then click on the + sign to add the diagnosis code information — “End Date” is not required.


    What do I do if a client, or employee, does not have a middle name but I need to enter one (for the payer)?

    A. In the middle name field type the following: NMN

    NMN = No Middle Name