Service Authorizations: Strict Monthly Usage

Strict Monthly usage type helps those with service authorization units that might differ on a monthly basis.

new sa

1. Navigate to CRM > Add/View SA.

2. Select your client and click the green 'Add Service Auth' button.

3. Add the service auth information. 

4. In the 'Usage Type' field, select Strict Monthly.

5. Add the first date range of the service authorization (i.e., 09/01/2021-09/30/2021), the number of units allotted for that month, and the frequency of services.

6. Click the green '+' button to add an additional line.

7. Add the next month's date range, number of units allotted for that month, and the frequency of services.

8. Continue to add lines for all months in the service authorization. 

new sa 3