Caregivers can download the Caregiver App on iPhone and Android devices. Follow the steps below to get started.
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Downloading the Caregiver App
Creating an account with the app
Logging into the Billiyo caregiver app
Download the Billiyo for Caregiver App
- iPhone
- Navigate to the App Store.
- Search for Billiyo for Caregiver.
- Once located, tap 'Get'.
Note: You may be asked to enter your Apple ID. If so, enter your Apple ID and password to continue with app download.
- Android
- Navigate to the Play Store.
- Search for Billiyo for Caretaker.
- Once located, tap 'Install'.
Creating an account with the app
If the agency already created a user account for you, please skip to Logging into the caregiver app
To use the Billiyo caregiver app, you will need to have a user name and password. If the back office has not created an account for you, you can create one with the caregiver app.
- You can Register for a user account by following these steps:
- Launch the App and tap Register Here.
- Enter your UMPI/Provider Number OR First & Last Name, and Phone Number.
- When entering your information, make sure there are no spaces before or after the numbers or names. Phone number must be entered without special characters (i.e. 6121234567).
- If you work for more than one agency that is using Billiyo, select the appropriate company. Then, create a Username and Password. The password must contain at least 4 characters with at least 1 letter and 1 number.
- Launch the App and tap Register Here.
- Once you finish creating your account, contact your agency administrator to "allow access" for your account.
- To sign in, use the same username and password you entered when setting up your account.
Once you've completed completed the registration process, a success message will pop-up telling you to contact the back office for approval. Your agency will then need to approve the account you just created.
To learn more about approving a user account, please consult this article