Payment History

View subscription payment history for an account within the "Payment History" page.

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Accessing the Payment History Page
Locating and Reviewing Invoices
Downloading Invoices
Emailed Receipts

Accessing the Payment History Page

To review subscription payment history, head to "More" > "Company" > "Payment History".

payment-history (1)

Locating and Reviewing Invoices

On the screen that appears, a table with all invoices listed as line items will show. To find a specific invoice, use the search fields at the top of the column headings to help locate it.


On the table basic information such as the pay period dates and total number of active clients during the date range will appear. Clicking on the green + sign to the left of an invoice line will provide a breakdown of the number of active clients per day in the billing period.


Billing is based on the summation of active clients or monthly minimum.

Downloading Invoices

To download an invoice, click on the blue text under the "Invoice PDF" heading for the invoice line.


Here is an example of what the downloaded invoice will look like: 


Emailed Receipts

In addition to being able to download invoices from within the payment history page, payment receipts will also be sent to the email address on file for the account. Here is an example of what the emailed receipt will look like: 

The account email address can be edited by going to "More" > "Company" > "Company Settings". In the "Configurations" tab, click on the blue pencil icon in the top right corner.