Archiving and Unarchiving Unbilled Claims

Learn how to archive not billable claims in the Generate Claims page, and unarchive them if they were archived in error.

Table of Contents

Archiving a Not Billable Claim
Unarchiving an Unbilled Claim

Archiving a Not Billable Claim

Claims within the Not Billable tab of the Generate Claims page can be archived. 

To archive a not billable claim, in the left menu navigate to:

Billing > Generate Claims > Not Billable (tab)

Within the Not Billable tab, you can either: 

  • Use the checkboxes next to the claim lines to mark which claim(s) you'd like to archive
  • Expand the claim line by clicking on the to the left of it

Using either option, an Archive button will be displayed. Click on this, and then Yes to confirm you'd like to archive the claim(s).

Once a claim has been archived, it will be found within the Archived Unbilled Claims page.

Unarchiving an Unbilled Claim

Once an unbilled claim has been archived, it can be unarchived.

To unarchive an unbilled claim, in the left menu navigate to:

Billing > Archived Unbilled Claims

Within the Archived Unbilled Claims page, locate the claim(s) that you'd like to unarchive and either:

  • Use the checkboxes next to the claim lines to mark which claim(s) you'd like to unarchive 
  • Expand the claim line by clicking on the to the left of it

Using either option, an Unarchive button will be displayed. Click on this, and then Yes to confirm you'd like to unarchive the claim(s).

Once a claim has been unarchived, it will be found within the Generate Claims page — within the Not Billable tab if the reason it was marked as not billable has not been corrected.

Once the not billable reason(s) have been corrected, the claim will be able to be billed and will no longer be found in the Not Billable tab of the Generate Claims page.