Geo-Tracking and EVV (Electronic Visit Verification)

Information on what geo-tracking is, how it works with EVV, and why you might want to use it.

Geo-tracking: What is it?

Generally, Geo-tracking (or Geolocation) allows you to track the real-time location of your users (Employees). The user's physical location is obtained through GPS data from their smartphone or other GPS-enabled device.

In Billiyo, we take geo-tracking to the next level!  Read more to see how you can use Billiyo geo-tracking to keep your caregivers compliant.


How does Geo-tracking relate to EVV?

EVV vendors (i.e. Tellus, HHA Exchange, etc.) track the location of where employees clock in and clock out. Ideally, they should be clocking in and out at their client's location. 

To add extra insurance that caregivers are clocking in and out where they are supposed to, you can enable Geo-tracking. When Geo-tracking is enabled, caregivers will only be able to clock in and out within a certain distance of the client's location (i.e. within 500 feet of the client's home).


How do I enable Geo-tracking for my employees?

The Enable EVV setting automatically tracks employee location when they clock in and out.

The Enable EVV and Geo-tracking setting will allow you keep caregivers compliant, making sure that the employee is clocking in and out EXACTLY where they should be doing so.

  • Navigate to CRM > Client Caregiver > View Client Caregiver
  • Click on the + sign next to a client-caregiver connection. Next, click on the Edit Caregiver button to be able to edit the client-caregiver connection.
  • Enable EVV and Geo Tracking:
    1. In the Electronic Visit Verification field, select Enable Evv and Geo Tracking.
    2. Enter the Distance the employee has to be within to clock in and out.
    3. Select the Distance Type: Meter or Foot.  
      1. The minimum recommended distance is 330ft/100 m.
        1. Why this minimum distance? GPS satellites broadcast their signals in space with a certain accuracy, but what you receive depends on additional factors — including satellite geometry, signal blockage, atmospheric conditions, and receiver design features/quality. To accommodate for these factors this is why we suggest such a distance.
