Contact Masters

Adding, editing, and deleting client and employee contacts is easy with contact masters!

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Accessing Contact Masters
Adding a Contact
Editing a Contact
Deleting a Contact
Associating a Contact with a Client

Accessing Contact Masters

Navigate to the contact masters list by going to Reports > Contact Masters within the main menu. 

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Adding a Contact

To add a contact, click into the Add Contact tab. Then, fill out the fields that show — by default client contact will be selected.  

Only client contacts added under contact masters can be associated with clients. To associate a contact with an employee, add the contact in the employee's profile directly under the Contacts tab.

The following fields will be required: 

  • Contact Type
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • City
  • State or Province
  • ZIP Code

Click the Save button after filling out the contact's information to save them. 

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Editing a Contact

Once a contact has been added, it can be edited. Within the contact masters list, first click on the tab that the contact is for — Client Contacts or Employee Contacts

Then, locate the contact and click on the + sign to the left of the contact's name. Upon doing so an Edit Contacts button will appear, click on this to edit the contact's information.

After making changes to the contact, click the Save button to update.

If you'd like to filter for a specific contact, use the filter fields at the top — make sure to click the blue refresh arrows when using the filter fields. The search fields on the table can also be used.

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Deleting a Contact

If a contact needs to be deleted, this can be done in the contact master list as well. Within the contact masters list, first click on the tab that the contact is for — Client Contacts or Employee Contacts

Then, locate the contact and click on the + sign to the left of the contact's name. Upon doing so a Delete Contacts button will appear. Clicking on this button, a pop-up will appear to verify the deletion and notify who the contact is tied to.

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Associating a Contact with a Client

After adding a client contact under the contact masters list, the contact can be associated with clients. To associate a client contact with a client, head to the client's profile.

Within the client's profile, locate the Contacts tab towards the bottom. Then, click on the + sign on the right side of the screen and on the pop-up that appears select the contact type in the first field. The New Record? slider will automatically default to No, so a list of contacts will appear — which pull from the contact masters list — to select from under the Contact Type field.

After reviewing, and filling out any additional information, click the Save button. The contact will now show under the Contacts tab in the client's profile.

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