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  3. Billiyo for Caregiver App

Common Caregiver App Error Messages

Common error messages and how to resolve them.

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User Account Not Found
User Account Blocked
Weekly Hours are Exceeded
No Records Found
Cannot Start Schedule More than 30 Minutes
No Patient Assigned to You
Service Auth is Missing
Can't Submit Future Schedule
EVV Schedule
No Care Plan Found
Monthly Hours are Exceeded

User Account Not Found

Message: User account not found

Solution: If a caregiver is seeing this message, and a user account has been created for them, make sure to verify login information with the caregiver.

To review the caregiver's login credentials, go to "More" > User Account" > "View User Account". After locating the user account in the table, click on the + sign to the left of the employee's name and then the yellow "View Password" button that appears.

Solution: When the caregiver is entering in their login information, verify that they are not adding any spaces into the username as this will result in this error. 

User Account Blocked

Message: Your account is blocked. Please contact the administrator.

Solution: If they have not logged in yet, and created their own user account via the app, their user account has likely not been approved yet. Make sure to approve the user account by going to "More" > "User Account" > "View User Account"

After locating the user account in the table, click on the + sign to the left of the employee's name. Then, click on the green "Approve Access" button.

Solution: If the caregiver has been able to log in previously, it is likely that the employee has been deactivated. Head to "Operation" > "Employee" > "View Employee". Then, change the "Status" field at the top to "Inactive" and click the blue refresh arrows.

Locate the employee and click on the + sign to the left of their name. Then, click on the blue "Active Employee" button.

Caregiver is submitting time and receives 'Weekly hours are exceeded' error. 

Message: "Your weekly hours are exceeded. Your weekly hours are from: ---- To ----."

Solution: The caregiver is most likely trying to submit more than 40 worked hours in a 1 week timeframe. They can either submit less than 40 hours, or the office can add overtime hours for them through the Employee Profile. 


exceeded hours

No Records Found

Message: "No Records Found"

Solution: There are no current shifts for the selected timeframe. Use the filter feature to select a different timeframe. 

You cannot start a shift ahead of your scheduled time

Message: " You can not start schedule before 30 minutes of the scheduled time"

Solution: The caregiver must wait to clock in within 30 minutes of when the shift is scheduled to start. 

cannot start schedule early

No Patient Assigned to You

Message: " You do not have a patient assigned to you. Please call your administrator and ask them to assign a patient to your profile."

Solution: The caregiver is not connected to a client The administrator must connect the caregiver to a client through Client-Caregiver connection

no patient assigned

Service Auth is Missing

Message: "You cannot create schedule because Service Auth is missing. Please contact your administrator and ask them to create service auth."

Solution: The caregiver will have to contact the office and ask them to add a current service authorization/agreement to the selected client. 

SA missing

Can't Submit Future Schedule

Message: "The schedule you're about to submit has not been finished yet. Please wait until the end date and time to be greater than the current date and time."

Solution: The caregiver will have to wait until the scheduled shift's time has passed before marking the schedule as worked. For example, if a shift is scheduled on July 1st from 3-7pm, the caregiver should wait until July 1st at 7pm to submit the schedule as worked.

cannot submit future schedule

EVV Schedule

Message: "This is an EVV schedule. Please go to the Home tab to complete it. You must clock in and out to complete this schedule."

Solution: EVV schedules and Clock In/Out No EVV schedules must be completed in the Home/Dashboard tab. Use the Clock In/Out feature to mark time as worked. 

EVV schedule

No Care Plan Found

Message: "There is not care plan found for the services selected. Please contact your administrator or the office to create a plan of care."

Solution: Call the office and ask them to add a current care plan for the client.

no care plan

Monthly Hours are Exceeded

Message: "Your monthly hours are exceeding more than 310 hours."

Solution: Caregivers cannot submit more than 310 PCA hours in one month. DHS will not accept the claims and you will not be paid. Visit this MN DHS webpage for more information.