Clinical Form Options

Did you know that You can Customize what appears in your Assessments and 485's? Billiyo allows Customized Responses to be created to Forms in the Back Office. Once Created the Clinical Application users will see the responses in the application.

Navigation: Clinical>Clinical Form Options.

To ADD a new Response:

  1. Click The Blue Plus Sign
  2. Choose Your Form
  3. Choose the Section that you want to Apply the Option to
  4. Choose the Free Text, Type the Response Option that you would like to Appear in the form
    1. Choose the Status of the Option and to Apply to Home Health or Not

    2. Click Save

If a Mistake Is Made, not to Worry.

These Can be Edited. 

Once you Click the Edit Icon you Have Two Options:

  1. Save the Changes needed
  2. Or Delete the Option Entirely

Once The Option is added, it will appear for the user to Choose in the Billiyo Clinical Application.