Add/View/Edit/Delete Home Safety

This feature allows you to add, view, edit, and delete Home Safety forms.

Add Home Safety

1. From Main Menu, select the following Path: CLINICAL > Clinical Form > Add Home Safety.

2. The Safety Checks display appears, Select the Client and Care Taker.

3. Fill out the form questions and obtain Client signature and Save. You will also need the QP Signature and Save.

4. Save.

5. Safety Checks List of appears of the existing forms.

View/Delete Home Safety

1. From Main Menu, select the following Path: CLINICAL > Clinical Form > View Home Safety.

2. The Safety Checks display appears, search for the Client.

3. Select Green_Plusto expand for actions of Edit Home Safety and Delete Home Safety.

      • Edit Home Safety - Make any changes and enter and save Client and QP's Signatures and Select Save in order to update system.
      • Delete Home Safety -  Prompt appears to verify deleting (Cancel/Delete).