Add/View QP Visit Documentation

This functionality allows you to Add or View existing Qualified Provider Documents for the Clients.

Add QP Visit Documentation

1. Navigate to the Main Menu and select CRM > QP Visits Docs > Add Client Documentation

2. Select the Documentation Requirements (Yearly, Monthly or 90 - days)

3. Select the Client

4. Select the Care Taker

5. You can move thru the Client Documentation process by selecting the next number to proceed.


6. Client and QP Signatures are required and need to select the Accept button

7.  Then select Next located at the bottom right-hand corner of screen 

8. Pop-up will appear 

View QP Visit Documentation

1. Select Client

2. Search for the Document that you are inquiring to view the PDF. If the document is no longer applicable, select the Green_Plus to select the Not Applicable button if desired. Pop-up will appear to verify, "Are you sure you want to mark this Document as Not Applicable?" Cancel or Yes. The Status of that Document will not show as Not Applicable