Add/View/Delete Nutrition Checklist

This feature allows you to add, view, and delete Nutrition Checklists

Add/Delete Nutrition Checklists

1. From the Main Menu select the following: CLINICAL > Clinical Form > Add Nutrition Checklists.

2. Nutrition form appears, Select Client and Care Taker.

3. Fill out the form, making sure both Client and Qualified Provider(QP) have signed and accepted the signature.

4. Select the Save button.

5.  List of existing Nutrition Checklists appears, search for client's Name in the search box above.

6. Select  Green_Plus and the following actions are available:

      • Edit Nutrition - Make any modifications then Save.
      • Delete Nutrition - Prompt appears to verify if you want to delete (Cancel/Delete).

View/Delete Nutrition Checklists

1. From the Main Menu select the following:CLINICAL > Clinical Form > View Nutrition Checklists.

2. Search for Client Name.

3. Select Green_Plusand the following actions are available:

      • Edit Nutrition - Make any modifications then Save.
      • Delete Nutrition - Prompt appears to verify if you want to delete (Cancel/Delete).