Add/View Progress Notes

This feature allows you to add and view progress notes.

Add Progress Notes

1. From the Main Menu, select the following: CLINICAL> Progress Note > Add Progress Note.

2. Select Client, Note Date defaults to today's date, however you can change it to a previous date.  If a Doctor Review is Required, check this box.

3. Add Patient Clinical Note (allows up to 5000 Characters).

4. Click on the Add Clinical Note button.

View Progress Notes

1. From the Main Menu, select the following: CLINICAL> Progress Note > View Progress Note.

2. The Patient Clinical Notes list will appear. Select the Client and then click on the refresh arrows Refresh.

3. By selecting the Green_Plusyou have the following Actions:

      • Edit Clinical Note - Allows you to modify the clinical note.
      • Delete Clinical Notes - Allows you to delete the clinical note.