Add/View NPI & Taxonomy

Use this feature to setup billing for different payers. Add the NPI/UMPI information as well as rates.

Add NPI/Taxonomy

1.  From the Main Menu select CRM > Service Auth > Add NPI/Taxonomy.

2.  From the NPI/Taxonomy screen enter the following fields:

    • Claim Type (choose Professional, unless skilled nursing)
    • Payor*
    • Procedure Service Code*
    • Modifier Code (if necessary)
    • EIN
    • NPI* 
    • Taxonomy
    • Rates*
    • Billing Provider*
    • Rendering Provider (use only for Waiver Services)
    • Rendering Provider Name (use only for Waiver Services)

* Required fields

npi-taxonomy add3.  Click Save.

4. The View NPI/Taxonomy screen will appear.

View/Edit NPI/Taxonomy

1. From the Main Menu select CRM > Service Auth > View NPI/Taxonomy.

2. Filter using the top search bars.

3. Select Green_Plusto Edit

4. NPI & Taxonomy display appears, make any changes and select the SAVE button.